EF/LINQ Interview Question

Aug 22, 2024 09:29 AM

What are the main components of EF Core?

The main components of EF Core include:
  • DbContext: A way to configure and use EF Core, acting as a bridge between your domain or entity classes and the database.
  • DbSet: Represents a collection of entities of a specific type that you can query and save.
  • Model: Represents the mapping between your .NET classes and the database schema.
  • Querying: Allows data to be retrieved from the database using LINQ.
  • Change Tracking: Keeps track of changes made to the entities so that it can update the database accordingly.
  • Migrations: Provides a way to update the database schema to match the data model of your application.

Lazy vs Eager vs Explicit Loading

Eager Loading
Lazy Loading
Explicit Loading
Loading Behavior
Loads related entities along with the main entity in a single query.
Loads related entities on demand when accessed.
Loads related entities on demand, but in a separate query from the main entity.
Method Used
Utilizes the Include method to specify which related entities to load.
Automatically loads related entities when they are accessed.
Uses the Load method to explicitly load related entities after the main entity has been loaded.
Query Execution
Executes a single SQL query with joins to fetch all necessary data.
Executes separate SQL queries for each related entity when accessed.
Executes separate SQL queries for the main entity and related entities.
Use Case
Best when you know you will need all related entities at the time of loading the main entity.
Ideal for scenarios where related data may not always be needed.
Useful when you want to selectively load related entities based on certain conditions or user actions.
Reduces the number of database round-trips, improving performance when accessing multiple related entities.
Can lead to the N+1 problem, resulting in many queries if not managed carefully.
Provides more control over loading, which can be beneficial in scenarios with large datasets or when related entities are not always needed.
Simpler to implement as it requires less code to load related data.
Simpler in terms of code but can lead to hidden performance issues.
Requires explicit calls to load related data, which can add complexity to the code.
Disposal Issues
No issues since all data is loaded in one go.
Can cause issues if the DbContext is disposed before accessing related entities.
No such issues since related entities are loaded after the main entity is already retrieved.
Suppose you have Author and Book entities where an author can have multiple books. You can use eager loading to fetch both authors and their books in one query: csharp var authorsWithBooks = await context.Authors.Include(a => a.Books).ToListAsync();  This retrieves all authors and their associated books in a single database call.
Using the same Author and Book entities, if lazy loading is enabled, you can retrieve authors without loading their books initially: csharp var authors = await context.Authors.ToListAsync(); foreach (var author in authors) { var books = author.Books; // Books are loaded here on demand }  The books for each author are only fetched when accessed, potentially leading to multiple queries if there are many authors.
Continuing with the Author and Book entities, you can explicitly load books for a specific author after retrieving the authors: csharp var authors = await context.Authors.ToListAsync(); foreach (var author in authors) { context.Entry(author).Collection(a => a.Books).Load(); // Explicitly loads the books for each author }  This approach allows you to control when the related data is loaded without the overhead of lazy loading.

Relationships in EF Core

  • One-to-One: A primary key in one entity is also a foreign key in another entity. This can be configured using the HasOne and WithOne methods in the Fluent API.
  • One-to-Many: A single entity on one side is related to multiple entities on the other side. This is represented by a collection navigation property on the one side and a foreign key on the many side. The Fluent API is configured using HasMany and WithOne.
  • Many-to-Many: Entities on both sides can relate to multiple entities on the other side. EF Core handles many-to-many relationships by implicitly creating a join table (though you can explicitly define it if needed).


A DbContext in EF Core represents a session with the database, allowing you to query and save instances of your entities. It is a combination of the Unit Of Work and Repository patterns and provides APIs to perform CRUD operations, manage transactions, and track changes to objects.


Entities in EF Core represent the data that you want to map to the database tables. They are CLR (Common Language Runtime) classes that are mapped to database tables. An entity includes properties that map to the columns of a database table.


LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a Microsoft .NET Framework component that adds native data querying capabilities to .NET languages using a syntax reminiscent of SQL but integrated into the programming language.

Unit of Work and Repository Pattern

Unit of Work in EF Core
  • Built-in Unit of Work: EF Core's DbContext acts as a Unit of Work. It tracks changes to entities and manages transactions. When you call SaveChanges(), it saves all changes made to the entities tracked by the context in a single transaction, ensuring data integrity.
  • Transaction Management: The Unit of Work pattern helps manage transactions, allowing you to commit multiple operations only if all succeed. EF Core handles this inherently through the DbContext.
Repository Pattern in EF Core
  • DbSet as Repository: EF Core provides DbSet<T> as a built-in repository for each entity type. This allows you to perform CRUD operations directly on the DbSet, which abstracts the data access layer.
  • Abstraction Layer: While EF Core provides these built-in functionalities, some developers choose to implement their own repository pattern to create an abstraction layer over EF Core. This can help in unit testing and decoupling the application from the data access layer, but it may also lead to unnecessary complexity if not needed

What are Entity States in EF Core? Describe them.

Entity States in EF Core represent the state of an entity with respect to its tracking by the DbContext. The possible states are:
  • Added: The entity is new and should be inserted into the database on SaveChanges().
  • Unchanged: The entity has not been modified since it was retrieved from the database.
  • Modified: The entity has been modified, and the changes should be saved in the database.
  • Deleted: The entity has been marked for deletion from the database.
  • Detached: The entity is not being tracked by the DbContext.

How can you improve query performance in EF Core?

Improving query performance in EF Core can be achieved by:
  • Using AsNoTracking() for read-only queries to reduce overhead.
  • Selecting only the necessary columns instead of retrieving entire entities.
  • Avoid N+1 queries by eagerly loading related data when necessary.
  • Using raw SQL queries for complex queries for better efficiency.
  • Enabling query caching where appropriate.

How can you optimize performance in EF Core?

Performance in EF Core can be optimised through various strategies:
  • Eager Loading: Use the Include method to preload related data within the same query to avoid the N+1 query problem.
  • Projection: Use Select to load only the necessary data fields rather than entire entities.
  • Batching: Take advantage of EF Core’s ability to batch operations to reduce round trips to the database.
  • AsNoTracking: Use AsNoTracking for read-only operations to improve query performance.
  • Indexing: Ensure proper indexing in your database to speed up query execution.
  • Pooling: Use DbContextPooling to reduce the overhead of instantiating DbContext instances.

N+1 query problem

The N+1 query problem is a performance issue that can occur when an application needs to retrieve related data from a database. It happens when the application makes an initial query to fetch a collection of objects, and then an additional query for each object to fetch its related data. This results in N+1 queries, where N is the number of objects returned by the initial query.Here's a simple example to illustrate the problem:
# Initial query to fetch all books books = Book.objects.all() # Iterate over the books and fetch their authors for book in books: author = book.author # Do something with the book and author
In this example, if there are 10 books, the application will execute 11 queries:
  1. 1 query to fetch all books
  1. 10 queries (1 for each book) to fetch the author for each book
This is inefficient because the application could have fetched the authors along with the books in a single query using a JOIN. The N+1 query problem becomes more pronounced as the number of objects and their related data increases.

What is the DbContext Pooling in EF Core, and when should it be used?

DbContext pooling is a performance optimization feature that reuses instances of DbContext classes instead of creating new ones for each request. This reduces the overhead of initialization and disposal of DbContext instances, improving application performance. It should be used in scenarios where the application handles many short-lived DbContext instances, such as web applications.

Queries vs Mutations

Queries in EF Core
Mutations in EF Core
Operations that retrieve data from the database.
Operations that change the state of the data in the database (insert, update, delete).
Uses LINQ to build queries that are translated to SQL.
Uses methods to modify the DbContext and then commits changes with SaveChanges().
Queries are performed against DbSet<T> properties.
Entities are added, updated, or removed from DbSet<T>.
Deferred Execution
Queries are executed when results are enumerated (e.g., ToList()).
Changes are tracked until SaveChanges() is called to commit them.
Results can be filtered using the Where method.
Not applicable, but entities can be located for updates/deletes using methods like Find().
Eager Loading
Supports eager loading of related entities using Include().
Not applicable; mutations focus on modifying existing data.
Adding Entities
Not applicable; queries focus on retrieving data.
Use Add or AddRange methods to insert new entities.
Updating Entities
Not applicable; queries focus on retrieving data.
Retrieve an entity, modify its properties, and call SaveChanges().
Deleting Entities
Not applicable; queries focus on retrieving data.
Use Remove method to delete entities and call SaveChanges().
Batch Operations
Not applicable; queries focus on retrieving data.
Allows batch operations to add, update, or delete multiple entities in one call to SaveChanges().

SaveChanges() vs Execute()

SaveChanges / SaveChangesAsync
ExecuteAsync (ExecuteUpdate / ExecuteDelete)
Saves changes made to tracked entities in the context to the database.
Executes a command to update or delete entities without tracking.
Utilizes EF Core's change tracking to determine which entities have been modified.
Bypasses change tracking, allowing for bulk operations without loading entities into memory.
Method of Execution
Can be called synchronously (SaveChanges()) or asynchronously (SaveChangesAsync()).
Introduced in EF Core 7.0, executed using ExecuteUpdate() or ExecuteDelete() methods.
Can be less efficient for bulk operations due to tracking overhead and multiple database calls.
More efficient for bulk updates or deletes, as it directly translates to SQL commands without tracking.
Concurrency Control
Provides automatic concurrency control using concurrency tokens.
Does not provide built-in concurrency control, as it operates outside of the change tracker.
Use Case
Ideal for scenarios where individual entity changes need to be tracked and saved.
Best suited for bulk operations where tracking is unnecessary, such as deleting or updating multiple records at once.
context.SaveChanges(); // or context.SaveChangesAsync();
context.Blogs.Where(b => b.Rating < 3).ExecuteDelete();

How do you implement soft delete functionality in EF Core?

Soft delete can be implemented in EF Core by adding a flag (e.g., IsDeleted) to entities to mark them as deleted. You can then use Global Query Filters to filter out entities marked as deleted from all queries automatically. When deleting an entity, instead of removing it, set the flag to true and update the entity.