Following aren’t Terms or Conditions. I’ve no leverage to pull over anyone to make them follow my ethics/value system. These are just personal ‘preferences’.
- Its NOT my problem! I’m not a stakeholder.
- I’ve my own work ethics, morals, principle and values which may or may not align with my current employer.
- I’m a competent person with solid background in technology, communication and project management.
- I don’t work for anyone. I only work for myself. I work with others as a colleague, partner or contractor for time being.
- I only work during business hours which means I’m available for business/work related communications (texts/calls) b/w 9AM-6PM. How and when I do my work is nobody’s concern except me.
- I only work for 9 hours a day as per Labor laws of Constitution of India.
- I am NOT a servant. I’m NOT a slave. I don’t owe anyone anything whatsoever.
- I’m a tech professional. I’ve right to my own time and am entitled to my own best judgement.
- I provide my consulting (technology) for which I get paid in annual sum so I’ll NOT be treated as a daily wagerer.
- I DO NOT work under pressure under any circumstances whatsoever. I DO NOT work on deadlines. I DO NOT work for other’s commitment.
- I help my clients (businesses who hired me as a contractor either directly or through a consultancy service provider) with my expertise and experience to solve particular problems only related to my domain. Things which don’t fall under my expertise (e.g., budget issues, timelines, product launch/delivery etc) are not my problems.
- My only job is to help my clients overcome their technical challenges in their digital transformation journey. I’m NOT part of that journey. Its NOT my journey. I don’t see the beginning or end of it. I don’t get to eat the fruits of anyone’s labor except mine and vice-versa.
- It’s not personal. Its strictly business. Nobody cares about me. I don’t need to put others interests over my health or goals.
- I don’t need to like or hate someone to be able to work with them. If they are not professional enough (i.e., they make it personal) I’ve every right to walk away from such people or project or companies. I only serve my own best interests.
- I won’t engage with unprofessional/ignorant/toxic people over call. I will disconnect and let them know formally over email that if they want to continue to work with me, they need to cool down, clear their mind and come back with open mind to continue the dialogue else they can find someone else to work with or get their work done.
- I DO NOT work over weekends or public holidays under any circumstances whatsoever. I DO NOT entertain business call prior or post business hours (9-6) under any circumstances whatsoever. I’ve full discretion to my own time outside of business/work hours.
- All work related communications must go only over official work apps. I am NOT liable to join/respond to any communication outside of work network (incl. Whatsapp, cellphone).
- I don’t need to respond to anyone or anything (no matter how urgent) instantly, I take my own time, analyse the situation, formulate a response and then respond it formally.
- I don’t need to get emotional over work or people at work. They are neither my friends nor my enemies. They are serving their own interest much like me. I can empathise with them, get along with them or keep distance from them but I don’t need to feel sorry for them, get manipulated by them or hate them. They are human being with flaws like myself. I need to accept it so I can live at peace with myself that most people will never meet my expectations (normal) like I may not be meeting someone else’s.
- Things under my control - My actions, my words, my emotions, my wellbeing, my ethics, morals, principles and values. My skillset, my attitude/response to a situation.
- Things NOT under my control - Other people’s behaviour towards me, my reputation, their expectations from me, their response to my actions/words or work. Outcome of my actions/words (e.g., promotions, bonuses, hikes, escalations etc).
- Nobody can harm me or abuse me at work - neither physically nor psychologically. I don’t need to put up with obnoxious people. I don’t owe anyone anything.
- I maintain my calm and composure in all circumstances. I don’t need to raise my voice or respond to every argument. I can simply disconnect or discontinue the conversation no matter who am I talking to. I’m not liable to respond to anyone or anything whatsoever.
- I CAN NOT cause any physical or financial damage to anyone or anything at work related to people or company hence I’m NOT liable for any outcomes. I just get paid an agreed upon amount in my contract. I don’t get bothered by success/loss of any work related thing - project, deal etc.